Suggested activities for week beginning May 18th 2020
Hello girls and boys.
I hope you are all well and not missing school too much! I know that I'm missing seeing all of you and I think of you every day.
This week we are continuing to learn about minibeasts. At this time of the year there are lots and lots of them about in our gardens and under flowerpots.
Literacy and Language Development
- Continue singing songs from the May songsheet.
- Name and identify minibeasts.
- Read stories about minibeasts.
- Read Jack and the Beanstalk
- Continue counting, sorting, ordering objects up to 10 and extend to 12/15.
- Rote count with your child up to 20. Clap out each number or tap your knees. They are familiar with this.
- Talk about the mathematical parts of Jack and the Beanstalk - height (when the beanstalk starts to grow - small, bigger, tall, etc), weight (light, lighter, heavy), size (big, small), etc
- Complete the counting worksheets added to this weeks folder.
- Compare the size of minibeasts - eg ant vs butterfly. Count the legs on minibeasts, etc
World Around Us
- Continue to search for minibeasts in the garden or park.
- .Talk about the habitat and characteristics of minibeasts.
- Continue saying the Hail Mary.
- Continue with morning and night prayers.
- Please draw or paint a minibeast. I will make a collage and add them to social media.
- Have a go at the colour by number sheets on this page.
Thank you to everyone who used SeeSaw last week. Its so lovely for me to see photos of the children and what they're up to and to communicate with parents For anyone who has not yet logged in, there is a help video in the home learning zone.
Have a good week everyone. Stay safe, stay at home and wash your hands!
Remember, you can always contact me via email if you have any queries or concerns. Mrs R