
Holy Child Primary School

Sharing, Caring and Learning



We have had so much fun playing with lot's  of different toys and making new friends in our first month of p1!

We are loving singing Nursery rhymes.

We all made an Incy Wincy Spider climbing up the water spout!

We are learning about Autumn, we tried to draw Autumn Trees. 

We have been saying our Nursery Rhymes.

We painted our favourite!

We painted ourselves in our Holy Child school uniform.

Don't we look amazing and all grown up?

Today we were working really hard. Mrs Mc Callin showed us step by step how to draw ourselves. Our topic is 'All About Me'. We are all super artists ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Look at our beautiful pictures and paintings, we have been so busy since we started P1

Sorry about the upside down pictures, I don't know how to flip them round 😀

Our First Day in P1c

Wednesday 9th September 2020

Our First Day in P1c

Monday 7th September 

Our First Day in P1c

2nd September 2020


Still image for this video