Children, through a range of reading experiences, including
will develop their comprehension and study skills. They will have an opportunity to expand their vocabulary and grow in their enjoyment of reading. This will include:
Class novels
Personal reading
Library books
Accelerated Reading Programme
You should try to encourage your child to read every night, from a variety of text, in addition to any homework.
‘Have a Go’ Spelling Programme
Primary 7’s will continue to follow the spelling programme as developed in P4, P5 and P6. They will receive a sound at the beginning of the week and are tested each Friday. In addition to this, children may be asked to learn additional words.
Children will be given the opportunities to plan and present their ideas in a variety of formats and forms. We will be encouraging children to use a widening range of punctuation, grammar in their writing. The children will be working on different types of writing including:
report writing
It is important that children develop a neat, cursive, legible style of writing using a pen.
Talking and Listening:
Children will have an opportunity to engage in whole class, group and paired talking and listening activities. They will be able to
form opinions;
express their point of view logically;
respond to stories and pictures;
relate personal experiences;
share their thoughts and feelings.
Children will be given experiences across the curriculum to use Numeracy skills to solve problems using the correct mathematical language.
Place value
Percentages, fractions and decimals
Number patterns and sequences
Negative numbers
Calculator work
Mental recall of facts
Length and distance
Time- 12 and 24 hour clock
Shape and Space:
2D and 3D Shape properties
Handling Data:
Interpreting data
Mental Maths:
Developing Strategies for mental maths problem solving. Children should also be familiar with tables up to 12x12.
Using ICT
Children will have the opportunity to develop ICT skills by encouraging them to:
handle and communicate information;
solve problems;
pose questions; and
be creative through the use of digital technology.
Using ICT in the Levels of Progression are set out under the headings Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate and Exhibit.
Children should have a limited amount of screen time, especially at night, before bed. It is important to discuss internet safety with your children and be aware of their internet use.
The World Around Us
Children will develop knowledge, skills and understanding through a topic based approach to learning.
Topics this year will be:
A Breath of Fresh Air
The Victorians
Famine and Immigration
Natural Disasters
Children will be given an opportunity to keep fit and active through fundamental skills. Children will participate in swimming, athletics and a variety of different games. Children should bring appropriate PE gear, including trainers, on the assigned day.
During Term 2 all P7 children attend Whiterock Leisure Centre for swimming lessons.
The Arts
Children will have an opportunity to engage in a variety of creative activities in art, music and drama which will compliment class topics.
Religion: Grow in Love Primary 7 programme
This is a new programme developed to help children explore their faith through the Grow in Love programme and RSE.
Your child has homework every night except Fridays or holidays and should spend about one hour a night on it. If possible, please sign homework each night. Reading or revising may be in addition to the hour suggested for written work.
Weekend and holiday homework will be given to those children involved in the transfer procedure during the first term.
As soon as a date has been agreed with the Bishop, parents will be informed. As part of the sacramental preparation children will attend regular morning masses in St Agnes Church. Children will make their Confirmation in their school uniform.
PDMU focuses on encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally, socially and physically effective, able to live safe and fulfilled lives. It enables them to make responsible choices and decisions.
All children are expected to be in the line each morning at 8.50am
School ends at 3.00pm except on Friday when it ends at 2.00pm.
All pupils should wear school uniform each day and bring P.E gear on P.E days to change into.
We hope your child has an enjoyable year in Primary 7. We are always here to assist and support you. We encourage Healthy Eating in the school. Pupils may drink water at any time. Please remember we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL!
If you need to speak to the class teacher, please make an appointment through the school office.
Thanking you in advance for a happy, enjoyable and productive year.
Mr Cunningham P7C