Primary 5A 2022-23
Welcome to the Primary 5A webpage for this year.
Class teacher: Mrs McNeill
Classroom Assistants: Mrs Notara, Miss Brown and Miss Simpson.
We hope that your child has a happy and positive year in Holy Child P5.
We will be encouraging each child to take responsibility for their uniform, books and belongings in school. Please ensure that their name is on the label of their school jumper.
Each night your child will have a selection of tasks for their homework.
They will have a Spelling task and some reading to complete every night. Please encourage your child to read for at least 15 minutes each night. (This could be their reading book, AR book, library book or listening to an audio book at home)
Your child will have 2 Literacy tasks and 3 Numeracy tasks to complete each week. The P5 teachers may also set homework tasks relating to the topics or themes in class.
We would ask that you encourage your child to play TTRockstars or HIT THE BUTTON for at least 5 minutes each evening.
These basic numerical skills of fast recall of times tables and number bonds are ESSENTIAL for each child. Without a grasp of these they will continue to struggle to complete tasks as they progress through Primary 6 and 7.
Throughout each week we will complete tasks in each of theses areas:
Literacy, Numeracy, Religious Education, Art, PE, The World Around Us, ICT, PDMU and Handwriting.
We have PE every Friday with Patrick a coach from the Antrim GAA. He has been teaching us basic skills. We have lots of fun playing games, while keeping fit and healthy as well.
I will post some photos of the work and activities we complete on Seesaw and on this website.
If you have any queries about your child's progress or emotional welfare, please contact me through Seesaw or contact the school office to arrange a suitable time to dicuss this issue.
Mrs McNeill