
Holy Child Primary School

Sharing, Caring and Learning



Welcome to P5A 2024-25 with Mrs McNeill


I hope your child has enjoyed the start of Primary 5 and is getting used to the new routines.


We visit the Library on Mondays, go to the Computer Room on Thursdays and have PE every Friday.


Please encourage your child to organise their own belongings and books for class every day.



We will have at least 2 pieces of homework every night.

From Monday to Thursday your child will write out their spelling list and complete a spelling task related to these words.


Literacy homework will be distributed twice each week.  There will be a comprehension task and a grammar activity to complete each week.

Please encourage your child to check spellings from the texts, use capital letters appropriately and form letters accurately. 


Numeracy Homework will be distributed twice each week.  Pupils will be asked to complete a number tasks and a topic activity each week.


Mental Arithmetic: I will ask your child to focus on specific times tables or number bonds each week.  With a good grasp of numerical facts your child will find it much more easy to complete Mathematical word problems. 


READING: I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for your child to read on a daily basis. 

Your child should be encouraged to read a range of books.  They can read library, class or AR books, listen to audio books or be read to by another family member. 

Please encourage your child to sound out the phonemes(sounds) of unfamiliar words and try to blend these sounds together to make the new words.


I will add additional information and photos of our work, activities and topics throughout the year.


If you need to contact me please use the Seesaw App, or through the school office.


Many thanks in advance for all your support,

Mrs McNeill






