
Holy Child Primary School

Sharing, Caring and Learning


20th - 24th April

Week Beginning 20th April 2020


Hi Folks


We hope you have had a lovely Easter break and have had a chance to get out and enjoy the sunshine.

Each week we are going to provide you with a timetable of activities which you can do on a daily basis.  We understand that it may not be possible for you to complete every activity each day.  This is only a guide and we don’t want you to become overwhelmed.  Complete what you can, when you can.


There will be a wide range of learning resources each week, including videos, interactive games, PowerPoint presentations and worksheets.  To complete the written activities, you can print out the worksheets or write the answers in an exercise book or page.  Remember to look for the work for your literacy / numeracy group, e.g. H7, AWWW 7, Green Group.


It’s great that we are going to be able to communicate with you all through the Seesaw App.  You will be able to share your work and send us pictures.


We will also be adding more activities for you to do on Studyladder and Times Tables Rock Star websites.  Some of you have been incredibly busy over the past few weeks earning points.  For those of you who haven’t given these activities a go yet, we would encourage you to try them out.


Don’t forget to keep reading too!  There are a range of ebooks on the Accelerated Reader and Bug Club websites.


Looking forward to hearing from you all.


Best wishes

Mr Moran, Mr Treacy and Mrs Deignan
