Hello Primary 5,
This is the week 9, the final week of Seesaw for this term.
We are very proud of the way you have been working with us during the last 8 weeks, you are all stars!
Thank you especially to all your parents, guardians, relatives and friends who have been helping you access and work through the tasks we have put on the website.
It has been very different for all of us and we have all had to adapt our lives to get through it.
We are nearly there, and hopefully we will see you all face to face in September.
The new timetable and work for WEEK 9 can be found in Week 9 schoolbag.
Remember this is a guide, don't worry if you can't complete everything, try to do at least 2/3 pages of work each day.
We love seeing your work on Seesaw and especially this week as it is our last for now.
Remember you can send photos,video and audio .
Keep up the good work this week, enjoy the summer and remember to keep your distance and wash your hands
Stay well and safe,
Mrs Mc Neill, Mrs Lavery and Miss O'Brien