
Holy Child Primary School

Sharing, Caring and Learning


PDMU/ Religion

Famous People Who Have/ Had Dyslexia

In Primary 5A we have researched some famous people who have/ had Dyslexia.  This theme of study came about after a pupil in the class asked how to get rid of Dyslexia.

First of all we found out what Dyslexia was and how it can affect people in a variety of ways.

Then we had to research a person who has/ had Dyslexia.

We found out that lots of very creative and intelligent people have this condition.  For some of these people their Dyslexia did cause many problems in school.  For many others they found that it helped with their creative thinking and helped them to develop very specific skills. 

Some of the people have found that their Dyslexia was a gift, as it shaped them into the people they are today. 

We hope that their experiences have a positive influence on the lives of the pupils in Primary 5A. 

