
Holy Child Primary School

Sharing, Caring and Learning


Welcome To P4A

Check out this video message from your teacher, 👨‍🏫 Miss Dougan and your assistant, Mrs. Marsh to see your new classroom and find out about P4. 

Welcome To P4A

Still image for this video

Important things to remember for starting back to school:



You can come to school between 8.30 and 9.00. On Tuesday 1st September 2020 only P4 can come to school between 9.15 and 9.45.  

Walk in through the front right gate.

Come in the main doors (at the office).

Come straight up to our classroom (above the Nursery) an adult will help guide you.


What to bring:

a healthy snack.

a filled water bottle (the water fountains cannot be used)

your packed lunch in in a plastic bag that can be thrown out.

a coat if needed.

You don't need to bring a schoolbag.  Everybody will be provided with their own stationery pack under their desk. 



In P4 we will finish school at 2.30pm Monday to Thursday. On Fridays we will finish at 1.45pm.

We will leave via the P1 yard. 

