
Holy Child Primary School

Sharing, Caring and Learning



Dear parents


Welcome to our Home Learning Zone.

Each week we will send a weekly planner and numerous activities to support learning across the Curriculum. Please do not feel overwhelmed. Try your best to complete what you can, but don't worry about doing everything.

Remember we can communicate through Seesaw and keep sending your child's lovely work on.


Stay safe and sound.


P3 Teachers

Weekly Tasks


We have been given access to 'Oxford Owl' books online for Children from P1 to P3. These books have our ORT characters and are leveled appropriately for different reading groups within the class.

We think they will be a fantastic reading resource for our P3 children.


To access books on Oxford Owl. 

Google Oxford Owl and follow directions below.

  • Choose home
  • Browse ebooks
  • Browse library
  • My class login


Passwords and Logins are as follows:


p1a and p3a         (Just choose your class and type exactly what's on the same line, eg, P3B Login is (p1b and p3b)

p1b and p3b         

p1c and p3c         


Password for everybody is Holychild


I hope you find the reading material useful.


P3 Teachers
