
Holy Child Primary School

Sharing, Caring and Learning


Curriculum Meetings

Dear Parents


Parents are invited to a class group meeting (Curriculum Meeting) with your child’s class teacher in your child’s classroom.


The teacher will give you information about your child’s learning in class this year and how you, as a parent, can help your child at home. Parents Information Packs will be distributed at the meetings.


The meetings will take place on the following dates


Monday 8th October 2018-P1 and P4 classes-2.15pm


Tuesday 9th October 2018-P2 and P5 classes-2.15pm


Wednesday 10th October 2018-P3 and P6 classes-2.15pm


Thursday 11th October 2018-P7 classes-2.15pm



The meetings will last approximately 30 minutes, so that you can collect your child in the normal way at the end of the day. 2-3 Club and After School Activities will take place as normal.


In the event that you have more than one child in classes when the meetings are at the same time, another family representative can take your place at the meeting. Otherwise, a Parents’ Information Pack will be sent home.


There will also be an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher, on an individual basis, through our usual Individual Parent/Teacher Interviews later in the year. Details of these will be circulated closer to the time.


Thank you for your co-operation on this matter.


Mr Short

