
Holy Child Primary School

Sharing, Caring and Learning


Board of Goverment Report for Parents







JUNE 2015



ENROLMENT (2014/15):  This year, September 2014, the Nursery Unit was over-subscribed (41 applications), so 26 pupils were admitted. 83 pupils (86 Sept 2013) enrolled in P1.  This gave a total of 567 (2014/2015) pupils, as opposed to 530 (2013/2014).


STAFFING (2014/15):  Staffing for 2014/2015 was Principal, VP+Numeracy Special Needs, 21 teachers, a full-time Special Needs Teacher and part-time Special Needs teacher (15 hours).  Mrs Raykoske will teach music on a full-time basis.  This means that one new teacher was recruited-Mr Michael McKiernan. 


PRSD (Professional Review and Staff Development) (2013/14):  PRSD was successfully carried out last year with senior staff (Key Stage co-ordinators, VP and Principal) reviewing the agreed targets of the teachers.  Teachers felt that this was a stress-free process that was conducted in a professional manner.  Teachers, then, set targets for 2014/2015 linked with the School Development Plan.


PRINCIPAL AND VP OBJECTIVES (2014/2015):  The Principal and VP’s objectives and targets for 2013/2014 were achieved and ratified through PRSD and at the previous BOGs meeting. 

New objectives for 2014/2015 were presented to the Board of Governors for approval for Mr Short and Mrs Deery.


PR CO-ORDINATOR/MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE: The Board of Governors needs to examine the management structure of the school. There was a need to replace the PR Co-ordinator’s post, as the post was being carried out by the Principal. Mrs Kielty was successful in becoming the PR Co-ordinator


STAFF ATTENDANCE POLICY (2014/15): Teacher Attendance is 95%, classroom assistants 93%, lunchtime supervisors 96% and cleaners 92%.


PUPIL ATTENDANCE/ PUNCTUALITY:   Teachers have been monitoring pupil attendance and punctuality.  Mr Short has been consulting with the EWO and some referrals have been made. Pupil attendance was 94.7% for 2014/15 from 95.1% in 2013/14.  The school has set a target of over 95% for the academic year 2015/16.


SPECIAL NEEDS:  Teachers have been filling in Initial Assessment Forms (Stage 1) for any child who displays educational or behavioural concerns.  Mrs Wilson (Literacy) teaches individual/small group sessions for children who need some extra provision at Stage 2, along our part-time Special Needs teacher Mrs Geraldine Glover (15 hrs per week) will teach withdrawal groups.  Mrs Deery will take Numeracy Special Needs groups on a ½ day time-table. Other peripatetic teachers come to the school to support the pupils.  These are Patricia Wade (St.Gerard’s-MLD), Pauline Jennings-BELB (Dyslexia), SimonMcDonagh (Harberton Support),  Roy Graham (Clarawood-Behaviour KS2).  We also seek advice from Oakwood (ASD, Aspergers), Speech and Language, Hearing and Vision Support experts and the CIDs team (KS1).


A Special Needs Register has been completed for all children from Stages 1-5.





SELF EVALUATION IN LITERACY AND NUMERACY:  The staff took part in an on-going extensive review and self-evaluation of Literacy and Numeracy standards.  This involved unannounced ‘book swoops’ and analysis of children’s work in Literacy, Numeracy, Homework and World Around Us.  Mr Short, Mrs Deery and co-ordinators evaluated the children’s work, looking especially at standards, progression of skills and consistency in approaches.  The findings of the self-evaluation were presented and discussed with the whole staff. Standards are very good, with areas for improvements discussed with all the staff and School Management Teams.


The Self-Evaluation Process will inform the School Development Plan for the next three years.


THREE YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2014/15):  The main part of the Three Year Development Plan for 2014/2015 was


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    The Arts (Art)

  • The use of IPAD Technology

  • A Policy for Gifted and Talented Children


    Our Action Plans on The Improvement of the Fabric of the Building, the Review of the Special Needs Policy, the Bike-It Initiative, Eco Schools and Extended Schools were reviewed on an on-going basis. Some of the plans need to be carried forward to 2015/16, as not all plans were completed due to time constraints.


    REVIEW OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2014/15): Our School Development Plan was reviewed over an on-going basis.  Self-Evaluation was successful with a focus on the role of the co-ordinator in self-evaluation processes and standards in Literacy and Numeracy.


    SCHOOL MANAGEMENT TEAMS (CURRICULUM/PASTORAL): The School Management Teams consist of all co-ordinators, either subject or those with Key Stage responsibilities.  These have been successful in that the co-ordinators can discuss and be part of the decision making process at a whole school level. Areas discussed included academic standards in Literacy, Numeracy and The World Around Us, standards and consistency in pupil recording and the use of exercise books, the appropriate uses of the playgrounds, Golden Time and 30,40,50.


    END OF KEY STAGE ASSESSMENT:  Both at Principal level and leadership level throughout NI and from a Union perspective, schools are boycotting the End of Key Stage Assessment process on the basis that it is not fit for purpose in comparing schools and using data by the ETI, as the system was being abused. 


    ELECTRONIC STANDARDISED TESTS: New electronic testing has been introduced giving standardised scores for children from P3 to P7.  CAT tests (IQ) will also be used to identify under-achievement and new tests for attitudes to school, P2 tests and baseline tests for P1 will be introduced over the next year.


    Detailed class and individual reports can be generated so that we can identify, in a diagnostic way, areas for improvement at a whole school level and for each individual child.


    PARENT MEETINGS:  Parent meetings took place for P3– P7 during the week beginning Monday 17th November 2014 starting at 2pm each day and in February for Nursery to P2. The same format will continue into 2015/16, however, these arrangements will be reviewed over the course of this year.






    BUDGET 2015-2018:  A three-year financial plan for 2015 – 2018 was agreed by the Board of Governors and the Education Authority.  Our surplus for the financial year 2014/15 was £3014.


    School Funds Expenditure was £33,228.35.  Income was £27,682.91.  In Year Deficit of £5545.44.  Income came from a variety of sources such as PTA, Sponsored Walk, Non-Uniform Days, Trip money, swimming money, bus money, ballots, photo commission, music contributions etc.


    Expenditure included Trips, Swimming, Music lessons/instruments and the purchasing of IPADs. However, the school has tried to keep the costs of educational trips at the same price from year to year.


    PTA:  I would like to take this opportunity to thank the PTA on their hard work this year in raising funds for the school.  The PTA raised £1552 in activities and events included a successful Cabaret Night in Falls Bowling Club, Zumba, Crazy Baker, Christmas Ballot and a Cinema Day/Night for the children.


    TRANSFER 2016:  Transfer 2016 will be organised in the same way as Transfer 2015.  We will continue to teach the Revised Curriculum to all children in the school and assess children in Literacy and Numeracy, so as to continue to raise standards for all.


    IPAD INITIATIVE:  It was agreed by the Board of Governors to introduce IPAD technology.  After consulting with ITEACH and other Primary Schools, it was decided to target teacher training in the best ways of using the technology in the classrooms, especially to enhance Literacy and Numeracy standards. It was also decided to purchase sets of 3 per year group and Special Needs groups, so that these would be available to the children. 


    The initiative has made a big impact on the school.  The staff is enthusiastic and, after teacher training, the teachers are already using the IPADs to very good effect with the children.  The classroom assistants have also been given initial training. The IPADs can also be linked to the interactive whiteboards through Apple TV and the C2K system has been upgraded so that WIFI connection can also take place.


    At the start of the new academic year (2015/16), the purchasing of more IPADS will be considered along with other whole school financial matters.


    MINOR WORKS: Minor Works in the school are on-going by the Department of Education regarding


  • New Windows throughout the school (Phase 2 yet to be implemented)
  • Front Gates, Pedestrian area and dismissal of pupils (pending)
  • New Roof (completed)
  • Refurbishment of Toilets (completed)


I will assess the school in terms of disability access and submit a minor works application to CCMS.


TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT: The school has been working on an on-going basis with CCMS, Roads Services, the DOE and the Education Authority. The school, along with St.Agnes’ Youth Club proposed to the Education Authority to establish a joint car park in the grounds of the Youth Club that could be used by parents, as part of the School Run. This proposal was declined by the Education Authority, on the basis of lack of money. The Board of Governors and the Principal have been ‘frustrated’ in a lack of support from the authorities on this issue. However, the school will continue to press the authorities on this issue, in whatever way we can within our power.


The school would like to thank all parents and grandparents for their patience and consideration for other parents and to the local residents. The school, especially, thanks those who adhere to the One Way System, who don’t block the front gates and to those who park further away from the school and walk (Park and Stride). The school also encourages the children to come to school by bicycle.


It also has to be stressed that traffic management on the roads is not the remit of the school and is, in fact, a matter for Road Services and the PSNI. This said, the school will liaise with all authorities in order to make the School Run as safe as possible.


P1-P7 FLU VACCINATION: The P1-P7 children received the flu vaccination on Friday 24th October 2014.  The school organised this on a timetabled basis.  Last year, the P6 children were vaccinated and it was a great success. The Flu Vaccination Programme will continue in 2015 in the Autumn term.


GREEN FLAG: The school has been awarded our 2nd Green Flag for being an Environmentally Friendly School.  I would like to thank the Pupil School Council and staff and, in particular, Mr Moran, for their hard work in achieving this.


RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES/MEETINGS:  Our P3 children made their First Confession on Wednesday 11th March 2015 P7 pupils were confirmed on Friday 27th March 2015First Communion took place on Saturday 16th May 2015.  There was an End of Year mass at the end of June to celebrate the P7 pupils’ time at Holy Child.


Mr Short and Mrs McNeill (RE Co-ordinator) met with Fr. McGlynn regarding sacramental meetings and the dates for the sacraments as well.  Arrangements for pupils attending mass and themes for assemblies were also discussed.


PASTORAL CARE:  The school continues to promote our strong Catholic Ethos, Positive Behaviour, Rewards and Pastoral approach in our dealings with the children.


CATHOLIC ETHOS/PASTORAL CARE/CHILD PROTECTION TRAINING: A Training Day was organised for all staff and governors at the school to bring us up to date on our Child Protection Training.  The day will also be used to reinforce our Catholic Ethos and Pastoral Care Policy.


This took place on Friday 28th August 2015 in the Wellington Park Hotel. The day included a mass officiated by Fr McGlynn and a lunch. The day also gave us an opportunity to thank all staff in the great work that they do for the children of the school.


E-SAFETY for CHILDREN: We will be working closely with parents and children towards the education of E-Safety and the dangers and perils that come with the internet and modern communication technology. This work will begin in the 1st term of 2015/16.


USE of FACEBOOK/SOCIAL MEDIA: The PTA has a Facebook page which Ms Murray (Parent rep Board of Governors) manages on behalf of the school. The Board of Governors discussed how best it can be used and how to protect the school from possible inappropriate uses, along with other dangers with social media.


EXTENDED SCHOOL (2014/15):  The Extended School Initiative has been a great success through the Breakfast Club, 2-3 Club, Homework Club and After School Clubs.  Other initiatives prioritised parent activities and services and links with our new cluster schools-Holy Child Nursery School, De La Salle College, St.Genevieve’s, St. John the Baptist and St. Oliver Plunkett’s PS


ENROLMENT 2015/2016: The Nursery Unit for 2015/2016 was over-subscribed with 37 applications with 26 pupils successful. P1 applications were 76, from 83 in Sept 2014.  There will be 3 P1 classes for 2015/16. With 72 children leaving in P7, next year’s enrolment will be 568 (2015/16) from 562 (2014/15). 


BAPTISMAL TRENDS in ST.AGNES’ PARISH:  Fr McGlynn has investigated the baptismal trends for the parish which gives us an indication of future enrolments for the school.  These tend to correlate with past and present enrolments and are a valuable indicator of future enrolment trends.


Baptisms show 66 (2009), 64 (2010), 62 (2011), 79 (2012), 76 (2013), 77 (2014) and 28 (up to 14th June 2015).





STAFFING (2015/2016): Mrs Raykoske will return to class from being the Music Teacher. She will take up the post of Teacher in Charge of the Nursery Unit in September.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Raykoske for the work that she completed as Music Teacher.


She will train the teachers in using the resources for Music.  Music will be taught by the teachers in the Music Room on a timetabled basis. Mrs Kielty will take up her position as a P3 teacher.


THREE YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2015-16):  The main part of the Three Year Development Plan for 2015/2016 will be


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    ICT-IPads and E-Safety

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    Self-Evaluation-The Role of the Co-ordinator

  • Gifted and Talented Policy

  • Review of Catholic Ethos/Pastoral Care/Safeguarding Children/Well-Being


    Our Action Plans on The improvement of the Fabric of the Building, the Bike-It Initiative, Eco Schools and Extended Schools will be reviewed by the staff on an on-going basis.


    EXCEPTIONAL CLOSURES/INSET DAYS/DIRECTED TIME:  These will be used for training and preparation such as Classroom preparation, Literacy, Numeracy, ICT and E-Safety, Assessment and Target Setting and Gifted and Talented Policy will be the main foci of these sessions. Due to Industrial Action by the INTO, meetings in Directed Time will only be held once per fortnight.


    EXTENDED SCHOOL (2015/16):  We have been accepted for the funding as an Extended School for a further year, receiving £31,388 for 2015/2016.  This allocation for Extended Schools from the Department has been reduced by approximately £7000 due to government cutbacks. The Breakfast Club, 2-3 Club, Parents’ Workshops, Links with De La Salle College, St. Genevieve’s and Extra Curricular Activities will continue. However, due to these reductions, costings will need to be reviewed over the next academic year (2015/16)


    SCHOOL COUNCIL:  The School Council has continued to be a success where the children have contributed to the decision making process of the school.  I would like to thank Mr Moran for the work that he has done through the School Council. 


    SCHOOL SUCCESSES:  The school has found great success in a variety of extra-curricular activities such as the Gaelic Games, Soccer, Cross Country Running and as representatives of the Belfast Teams who play Dublin and representatives who played for Antrim at Ulster Championship games and the performances at the Nativity Play, Passion Play and the P5 ‘Sing Out’ performance at St. Anne’s Church along with the Belfast School of Music.


    SCHOOL WORK AND STANDARDS:   All the staff and teachers continue to do everything they can for the children’s learning and teaching and maintaining and trying to improve on the already high standards in the school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work and dedication in ensuring that Holy Child PS remains a school with such excellent standards.


    Mr M Short

    (On behalf of the Board of Governors)

    June 2015
